Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Puyol: “Guardiola will stay”

Club captain Carles Puyol is convinced that Pep Guardiola will continue as manager: “the players all want him to stay and where would he be better off? If it was up to us, he’d definitely continue”.

The Barça TV programme ADN Barça had two special visitors today as Puyol and Pedro came into the studios to talk about the book ‘Barça. Estem fent història’, based on a collection of photos from last season. Puyol reckons: “it would be a great present. It shows Barça from the inside, the parts that people don’t normally see and we have decided to unveil. They are really good photos and you can see what we are like”. As well as the book presentation, both players discussed the team’s current situation, with Guardiola’s contract renewal drawing comments from them both.

Optimistic about Guardiola
2011-01-03_ADN_13.JPGPuyol has no doubts at all about Guardiola’s continued presence in charge of the team: “he’ll continue. I believe so, yes. The players all want him to stay and where would he be better off? If there is one thing this team has, it is our motivation. Sometimes we play better and sometimes worse, but we always give everything out on the pitch. I think we still have a lot we can do and I think that’s why the boss will stay”.

Pedro echoed the captain’s feelings, claiming: “I hope he’s here for a long time. He’s a very good coach and he’s achieved so much. If he stays, I’m sure we’ll achieve even more”.

Puyol recovering from injury
Puyol has been working hard to be back to fitness for Wednesday’s Cup game after the injury he picked up playing for Catalonia last week and he explained: “I’m better. We’ll have to wait and see how I feel, but today I’m feeling pretty good. I’m improving with each day and tomorrow we’ll do some more tests and that’s when we’ll weigh up the risks involved and the possibilities I have to play in Bilbao”.

Pedro and Bilbao
2011-01-03_ADN_03.JPGPedro has now notched up 8 goals in his last 8 games and Wednesday sees him return to a ground that holds special memories for him as San Mames is where he scored his first ever goal for the team: “it’s a special ground for me. It was my first goal and I can remember it really well. It was a lovely moment and something I will never forget”.

Balon De Oro
In seven days time the Club will enjoy a historic day as three home grown players star in the award ceremony for the FIFA Balon de Oro. Puyol believes: “all three deserve to win. They are very good players and we are really lucky to have them here. They’ve still got plenty of years in them and we will be enjoying them for years to come. It’s hard to give an individual award for what is a collective sport and choosing just one out of the three is very tough”.

Pedro reckons: “the most important thing is that the Award is going to stay here at the Nou Camp. I can’t see me ever winning it – these guys are on another level!”

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