Monday, December 27, 2010

Lionel Messi asked Santa for a 2011 Copa America win

With Christmas over and gifts unwrapped (and returned), Lionel Messi has revealed what he asked for this year. . 

“In 2011, I want to win my first title with the national team, so I asked Father Christmas for the Copa America as a gift,” the 23-year-old said while in his hometown of Rosario, according to the AFP news agency.

“I will do everything to win. It's the gift that I want to give all Argentines. People in my country deserve a great year.”
I'd say he's only playing along with the tales of the season by telling the AFP that he asked Father Christmas for that Copa America trophy, but look at the childlike wonder on his face. That's the face of a man who knows the value of asking a fat guy in a red suit for what he wants most. It's also the face of a man who scores goals even when he doesn't particularly want to (for Barcelona, at least)

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